09 novembro 2007

goodbye to the old wastefull vicious..hello to the new ones..

Baumeister (or was it Jagermeister?!?) - the master of the self - has reached me, spoken to me and alerted me of how not taking care of my SELF will cause some serious damage in my years to come..
well, not really true but still very close to what's happening..
for now, my self will shut down..
thank the stars for the enlightment..
thank the orange tree for the advices..
thank the purple frog for the words..
and mostly thank me for still dancing..

2 Comentários:

Às 7:44 da tarde , Blogger Ghost disse...

Eu acho muito bem!!! Ou não...

Às 3:43 da tarde , Blogger White Box disse...

devia ser como no cinema...a lingua inglesa fica sempre bem :)
love u*


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