15 julho 2015

your words reach my deepest
your silence is daunting
but words are just words
spelled on a pad of nothing

your hugs reach my deepest
your absence fills my days
and hugs every year or so
are not hugs just daze

your spirits reach my mind
your sickness rocks my heart
and spirits may be liquors
my heart is all i got

your unsaid is my suffer
your undone is my pain
your presence is my death
your silence inhumane

your words reach my deepest
my doubts fill my guts
the longing always there
the waiting hurts too much

one day you touch me
another i move on
but then my only thought
forsaken or destruction

your recklessness is staggering
your contempt too much to bear
round and round we go. 
remember i won't be there

no pain equals the love 
of loving not intended
no void can fill above
what's done and been offended