29 março 2007

já me tinha esquecido deste tempo..

ah, escrever,escrever..nesta lingua materna insidiosa que nao se consegue controlar.. saudade..do tempo, das teclas, do espaco.. vontade..de mais e mais, pulos, sorte, garra.. quando alguem olha nao sabe, cm Byrne diria.. o vento revolta-se, o frio entrelaca-se em entranhas abertas, a escuridao sensoreia cada noite perdida de almas..
se pensares que tudo esta bem
pensa que nada esta bem
se pensares que a vida nao passa
pensa que tudo na vida passa
nada se sabe para la do que se nao diz.. talvez miseria, rancor ou paixao..dor, tormenta, um abraco..
a historia nao foi feita
os factos amontanham-se
a liberdade nao existe
e as carracas sobrevivem
sem nada pa dizer fico calada..sim, no silencio de algo que o nao e..
boa noite, sendo tarde

e o desejo de hoje é..

encontrar o meu Ohm..

"I Still Remember"

I, I still remember
how you looked that afternoon.
There was only you.

You said "it's just like a full moon".
Blood beats faster in our veins
We left our trousers by the canal
And our fingers, they almost touched

You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?

And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie

I've gone wherever you wanted

(I still remember)

And on that teachers' training day
We wrote our names on every train
Laughed at the people off to work
So monochrome and so lukewarm

And I can see our days are becoming nights.
I could feel your heartbeat across the grass.
We should have run.
I would go with you anywhere.
I should have kissed you by the water

You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?

And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie

I would let you if you asked me

I still remember

by Bloc Party

i feel like being a sparkle horse!

28 março 2007

lusco fusco da juventude

25 março 2007

O drama da pastilha elástica

Hoje entrei no dia em reminiscencias.. de quê? ora bem, de tudo..nao, agora a serio..de nada..
mas enquanto nas reminiscencias do nada calhou em assunto o drama das pastilhas elásticas.. o drama de quando as "Gorila" ainda eram um quase império da delicia dos mais novos..
e afinal, qual era o drama?
sempre que pediamos uma pastilha aos nossos pais eles davam mas sempre sob aviso de que nao as poderiamos engolir nunca.. porque se colam ao estomago e morres.. porque te corroem o sistema digestivo.. porque crescem dentro de ti (i.e. ficam ainda mais elasticas) e já nao saem de lá..
e nós crianças inocentes assustavamo-nos.. temiamos que a pastilha, por um azar maior entrasse por ali adentro e destruisse o nosso organismo..mastigavamos e ruminavamos a pastilha com os dentes da frente (nao fosse ela enganar-nos e e deixar-se engolir).. faziamos baloes do tamanho de bolas de ténis e sorriamos com a pastilha colada ao cabelo, ao nariz, as bochechas.. afastavamos de nós a tentaçao de engolir aquela bem dita maravilha nao engolivel..
até que um dia..
raios.. o terror.. o verdadeiro drama da pastilha elastica..

"oh mãe, mãe (choroso).. engoli a pastilha! e agora?! (mais choro)"

nas nossas mentes, imagens de dores horriveis, sensaçoes de sufoco, falta de ar, suores frios.. será que ela se ia colar ao estomago ou crescer dentro de mim?! e quanto tempo durará a agonia? que vai acontecer nas proximas horas?
o aperto no coraçao.. aiii carambas.. porque é que eu tinha que ter pedido uma pastilha à mae?

ao que a mae respondia..

"ai engoliste?! agora já está, já está!"

o quê?! já está já está? posso morrer a qualquer momento aos teus pés e já está já está?! que raio de mae é esta? disposta a abdicar do filho assim, por uma simples pastilha elástica.. o fim da linha.. bastou uma pastilha para deitar por terra uma incessante torrente de sonhos.. uma "Gorila" laranja, verde o vermelha..

e umas horas depois percebiamos, depois de toda uma longa tortura, que as pastilhas elásticas nao eram assim tao más..

20 março 2007

gosto de brincadeiras com amigos e palavras..
gosto de roubar abraços e sorrisos..
gosto de me perder em silêncios ricos dum nada..
gosto de sair pela rua..
gosto de caminhar descalça..
gosto da minha musica.. ou da que me vao dando a conhecer..
gosto de me perder entre vielas estreitas..
gosto de frases caras.. e ditos perdidos..
gosto de ver rotinas..
gosto do imprevisto, da surpresa..
gosto de cartas e bilhetes..
gosto de concertos..

Texturas de nenufar, quase
Invisiveis.. sois de mil cores
Nenhuma definição para além da não vista
Instantes de nada, perdidos em resquicíos
Numa incompleta insensatez de sentires
Homens perdidos numa noite incessante.. procurando
A clareza de um outro dia.. talvez

simply white and bloodish..
black moon shining..
desert roads and empty streets..
all left alone..
empty sinking windows..
tears torn apart..
broken wings and arms to fly..
nothing to hide..

17 março 2007

e o desejo de hoje é..


14 março 2007

e o desejo de hoje é..

hoje nao tenho desejos..
por isso nao posso falar neles..
porém, posso dizer que TALVEZ tenha encontrado a razao da minha necessidade de saltar de lugar em lugar..

como diria o Mr. Iggy:

"i wake up sweatin in the night
every town is only lights
i 'm addicted to the highway
'cuz i just can' t do things their way
and there ain' t nothin gonna take this road away
nothin gonna take that road away
nothin gonna take that road outta my heart

highway i' m doin fine
you help me draw the line
no use in bein alive
if i' m just rentin
i undersand the circus well
i' ve played the clown when down he fell
but bein' down ain' t bein' loser
so just look out here comes a bruiser
and there ain 't nothin gonna take my road away
nothin' gonna take my road away
nothin' gonna take my road outta my heart"

Highway Song by Iggy Pop

11 março 2007

e o desejo de hoje é..

deixar de estar assim nao sei..

06 março 2007

e o desejo de hoje é..

ver filmes no quentinho e comer pipocas..
comer pipocas, beber vinho tinto e perder-me em palavras..

Vanishing act

It must be nice to disappear
to have a vanishing act
to always be looking forward
and never looking back

How nice it is to disappear
float into a mist
with a young lady on your arm
looking for a kiss

It might be nice to disappear
to have a vanishing act
to always be looking forward
never look over your back

It must be nice to disappear
float into a mist
with a young lady on your arm
looking for a kiss

It must be nice to disappear
to have a vanishing act
to always be moving forward
and never looking back

How nice it is to disappear
float into a mist
with a young lady on your arm
looking for a kiss

Looking for a kiss
float into a mist

by Lou Reed

desaparecer assim, de vez em quando, só um pouquinho..

modern dance

Maybe I should go and live in amsterdam
In a side street near a big canal
Spend my evenings in the van gogh museum
What a dream, van gogh museum

Maybe its time to see tangiers
A different life-style, some different fears
And maybe I should be in edinburgh
In a kilt in edinburgh

Doin a modern dance
Doin a modern dance

Or maybe I should get a farm in southern france
Where the winds are wispy and the villagers dance
And you and I wed sleep beneath a moon
Moon in june and sleep till noon

And maybe you and I could fall in love
Regain the spirit that we once had
Youd let me hold you and touch the night
That shines so bright, so bright with fright

Doin a modern dance
Doin a modern dance

Shit, maybe I could go to yucatan
Where women are women, a mans a man
Ah, no one confused, ever loses place
With their place in the human race

Maybe Im not cut out for city life
The smell of exhaust, the smell of strife
And maybe you dont wanna be a wife
Its not a life being a wife

Doin a modern dance
Doin a modern dance

So maybe I should go to tanganyika
Where the rivers run, down mountains tall and steep
Or go to india to study chants
And lose romance to a mantras dance

I need a guru, I need some law
Explain to me the things we saw
Why it always comes to this
Its all downhill after the first kiss

Maybe I should move to rotterdam
Maybe move to amsterdam
I should move to ireland, italy, spain
Afghanistan where there is no rain

Or maybe I should just learn a modern dance
Where roles are shifting the modern dance
You never touch you dont know who youre with
This week, this month, this time of year
This week, this month, this time of year

Doin a modern dance
You dont know who youre with modern dance
I should move to pakistan, go to afghanistan
Dance, you dont know who youre with
Dance, you dont know who youre with
Modern dance
And maybe you dont wanna be a wife
Its not life being a wife
Doin a modern dance
You never touch you dont know who youre with
Dance, modern dance
The roles are shifting dance
You never touch you dont know who youre with
Dance, modern dance
Maybe you dont wanna be a wife
Its not a life being a wife

by Lou Reed

05 março 2007

Psycho Killer

I can't seem to face up to the facts
I'm tense and nervous and I
Can't relax
I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
Don't touch me I'm a real live wire

Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away
Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away

You start a conversation you can't even finish it.
You're talkin' a lot, but you're not sayin' anything.
When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.
Say something once, why say it again?

Psycho Killer,
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away
Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away

Ce que j'ai fais, ce soir la
Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir la
Realisant mon espoir
Je me lance, vers la gloire ... OK
We are vain and we are blind
I hate people when they're not polite

Psycho Killer,
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away
Psycho Killer,
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh....

by Talking Heads

tratado do coisa assim

hoje estou não sei porque estou assim..ou será que estou assim porque nao sei?
é uma daquelas coisas assim que surgem não sei como.. parece nao acabar nunca.. uma daquelas coisas que acontece nao sei como.. nao sei porque..nao sei quando..acontece assim..e só assim..daquela forma assim que eu nao sei..

03 março 2007

you're lost little girl

You're lost, little girl
You're lost, little girl
You're lost
Tell me who are you?

Think that you know what to do
Impossible yes
But it's true

I think that you know what to do
Sure that you know what to do

You're lost, little girl
You're lost, little girl
You're lost
Tell me who are you?

Think that you know what to do
Impossible yes
But it's true

I think that you know what to do
Sure that you know what to do

You're lost, little girl
You're lost, little girl
You're lost

by The Doors

porque perdição todos sentimos..umas vezes mais que outras..

02 março 2007


Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're what's happening
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're an ice machine
We see people brand new people
They're something to see
When we're nightclubbing
Bright-white clubbing
Oh isn't it wild?

Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're walking through town
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We walk like a ghost
We learn dances brand new dances
Like the nuclear bomb
When we're nightclubbing
Bright white clubbing
Oh isn't it wild...

by Iggy Pop

e que se pode dizer mais? nightclubbing.. transformaçao, animaçao, perdiçao..
sabe tao bem perder-me por ai.. rodeada daquelas pessoas..ah..nightclubbing..nightclubbing..

e o desejo de hoje é

ouvir o meu telemovel quando toca..peço desculpa..

01 março 2007

Les amours perdues (Lost loves)

Les amours perdues
Ne se retrouvent plus
Et les amants délaissés
Peuvent toujours chercher

Les amours perdues
Ne sont pas loin pourtant
Car les amants délaissés
Ne peuvent oublier

Tous les serments de cœur
Tous les serments d'amour
Tous les serre-moi serre-moi dans tes bras
Mon amour
On s'aimera toujours
Toujours toujours
Toujours toujours
Toujours tou...

Mes amours perdues
Hantent toujours mes nuits
Et dans des bras inconnus
Je retrouverai l'oubli

Toi tu m'aimeras
Je ne te croirai pas
Tout reviendra comme au jour
De mes premières amours


Lost loves
Never find each other again
And left behind lovers
Can always look

Lost loves
Aren't far however
Because left behind lovers
Cannot forget

All the heartfelt oaths
All the oaths of love
All the hold me hold me in your arms
My love
We'll love each other forever
Forever forever
Forever forever
Forever for . . .

My lost loves
Still haunt my nights
And in strange arms
I'll find forgetfullness

You will love me
I won't believe you
Everything will come back to the days
Of my first loves

by Serge Gainsbourg

e o desejo de hoje é

ter o esquentador a funcionar para nao ter que tomar outro banho de agua fria..